Nakai, T., Lai, Y.-J. Evaluation of wet canopy evaporation from a cloud forest in Xitou, Taiwan. Abstract H21P-0853 presented at AGU24, Washington D.C., 9–13 Dec 2024.
Nakai, T., Lai, Y.-J. Effect of canopy decoupling on carbon balance in a montane cloud forest in Xitou, Taiwan. Abstract B21P-1508 presented at AGU24, Washington D.C., 9-13 Dec 2024.
Teh, D.C.C., Levia, D.F., Nakai, T. Measurements of detailed spatiotemporal variability in bark pH of a Japanese cedar tree bole in Xitou, Taiwan. Abstract H04-05 presented at AGU24, Washington D.C., 9-13 Dec 2024.
Li, Y.-F., Ma, K.-F., Lin, C.-J., Lai, Y.-J., Lin, P.-H., Nakai, T. Exploring nocturnal canopy advection in complex terrain through active heating fiber optics: unraveling temperature dynamics and airflow patterns. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-10295.
Lai, Y.-J., Yu, J.-C., Maneke-Fiegenbaum, F., Otto, K., Lin, P.-H., Yang, C.-Y., Nakai, T. Long-term Carbon Flux Dynamics in Central Taiwan's Cloud Forests: Influence of Biological Disturbances, EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-2713.
Nakai, T., Hiyama, T., Lai, Y.-J., Kotani, A., Ikawa, H., Kobayashi, H., Y., Ohta, T., Maximov, T.C. The difference in atmospheric coupling between above and below canopy among three coniferous forests. PAWCs (Pan-Arctic Water-Carbon Cycles) International Symposium, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, March 4–7, 2024.
Nakai, T., Hiyama, T., Kotani, A., Iijima, Y., Ohta, T., Maximov, T.C. Representation of microscale spatial variability in thaw depth in eastern Siberian larch forests. Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-7), National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan, March 6–10, 2023.
Nakai, T., Lai, Y.-J. Characteristics of eddy covariance fluxes on the forest floor of a Japanese cedar stand in Xitou, Taiwan. Abstract H54B-01 presented at 2022 AGU Fall Meeting, Online Meeting, 12–16 Dec., 2022.
Nakai, T., Lai, Y.-J. A new approach to estimating wet canopy evaporation in a Japanese cedar forest in Xitou, Taiwan. Forests for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals and Carbon Neutrality—2022 Virtual Symposium on Asian University Forests, Online Meeting, August 19–20, 2022.
Nakai, T., Lai, Y.-J. Characteristics of eddy covariance fluxes in a Japanese cedar forest in Xitou, Taiwan. Abstract B35B-1430 presented at 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, Online Meeting, 13–17 Dec., 2021.
Nakai, T., Lai, Y.-J., Klemm, O. Measurements of evapotranspiration processes in a Japanese cedar forest in Xitou, Taiwan. Abstract B122-09 presented at 2020 AGU Fall Meeting, Online Meeting, 1–17 Dec., 2020.
Nakai, T., Hiyama, T. Modeling of soil moisture dynamics in a larch forest in eastern Siberia. 11th Symposium on Polar Science, Online Meeting, November 16 – December 18, 2020.
Nakai, T., Hiyama, T., Iijima, Y., Kotani, A., Maximov, T.C. Modeling of soil temperature and ecohydrological processes of a larch forest in eastern Siberia. Sixth International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-6), Online Meeting, March 18 – April 10, 2020.
(Alternative to the meeting scheduled to be held at Hitotsubashi Hall in Tokyo, which was canceled due to the outbreak of COVID-19)
Nakai, T., Lai, Y.-J., Kumagai, T. Modeling of ecohydrological processes in a Japanese cedar forest in Xitou, Taiwan. Abstract B41F-10 presented at 2019 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 Dec., 2019.
Nakai, T., Hiyama, T., Petrov, R.E., Kotani, A., Ohta, T., Maximov, T.C. Measurement of methane flux over a larch forest in eastern Siberia. 2019 SSE, TERN and TaiwanFlux Joint Meeting, Hualien, Taiwan, October 23–25, 2019.
Nakai, T., Hiyama, T., Kotani, A., Ohta, T., Maximov, T.C. Methane flux measurements over a larch forest in eastern Siberia: emission or uptake? Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-5), January 15–18, 2018, Hitotsubashi Hall, National Center of Sciences Building, Tokyo, Japan, 2018.
Nakai, T., Kumagai, T., Iijima, Y., Ohta, T., Kotani, A., Maximov, T.C., Hiyama, T. Modeling of larch forest dynamics under a changing climate in eastern Siberia. Abstract B21F-2010 presented at 2017 Fall Meeting, AGU, New Orleans, LA, 11–15 Dec., 2017.
Nakai, T., Kotani, A., Maximov, T.C., Ohta, T., Hiyama, T. Measurement of methane flux over a larch forest in eastern Siberia. 5th iLEAPS Science Conference, September 11–14, 2017, Oxford, U.K., 2017. (Presented by Dr. Hiyama)
Nakai, T., Kumagai, T., Hiyama, T. Application of terrestrial ecosystem dynamics model to a larch forest in eastern Siberia. The 2nd Asian Conference on Permafrost (ACOP2017), July 2–6, 2017, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 2017.
Nakai, T., Kumagai, T., Saito, T., Matsumoto, K., Kume, T., Nakagawa, M., Sato, H. Modeling of individual tree transpiration in a Bornean tropical rain forest. The 7th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER2016), June 5-9, 2016, Kyoto TERRSA, Kyoto, Japan, 2016.
Nakai, T., Kumagai, T., Saito, T., Matsumoto, K., Kume, T., Nakagawa, M., Sato, H. Calculation of individual tree water use in a Bornean tropical rain forest using individual-based dynamic vegetation model SEIB-DGVM. Abstract B23B-0605 presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 14–18 Dec., 2015.
Nakai, T. Canopy height and roughness parameters of forests for micrometeorological studies. International Symposium on Agricultural Meteorology 2015, March 16–20, 2015, MEXT Tsukuba Center for Institutes, Tsukuba, Japan, p.155, 2015.
Nakai, T., Katul, G.G., Kotani, A., Igarashi, Y., Ohta, T., Suzuki, M., Kumagai, T. Controlling factors of root-zone soil moisture spectra in tropical and temperate forests. Abstract H13C-1112 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15–19 Dec., 2014.
Nakai, T., Kumagai, T., Ohta, T., Maximov, T. Analysis of Abrupt Changes in Heat, Water, and Carbon Fluxes over a Larch Forest in Eastern Siberia, After a Period of Wet Damage Due to Increased Precipitation. Abstract B33I-0581 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9–13 Dec., 2013.
Nakai, T., Ohta, T., Kumagai, T. Characteristics of energy balance within a permafrost black spruce forest in interior Alaska, for intercomparison study with a larch forest in eastern Siberia. 7th Annual International Workshop on C/H2O/Energy balance and climate over boreal and arctic regions with special emphasis on eastern Eurasia, October 8–11, 2013, IBPC, SD-RAS, Yakutsk, Russia, 2013.
Nakai, T., Kim, Y., Busey, R.C., Suzuki, R., Nagai, S., Kobayashi, H., Park, H., Sugiura, K., Ito, A. Year-round observation of energy balance components within a permafrost black spruce forest in interior Alaska. JpGU Meeting 2013, May 19–24, 2013, Makuhari Messe International Conference Hall, Chiba, Japan, AHW28-06, 2013.
Nakai, T., Busey, R.C., Sugiura, K., Saito, K., Park, H. The JAMSTEC-IARC supersite enhances understanding of the Arctic climate system - Hydro-meteorological observations -. Third International Symposium on the Arctic Research (ISAR-3), January 14–17, 2013, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan, p.119, 2013.
Nakai, T. On the Driver of Short-term Variations in Roughness Parameters over a Forest. Abstract A13D-0250 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3–7 Dec., 2012.
Nakai, T., Shimoyama, K., Iwata, H., Harazono, Y. Correction of Gill ultrasonic anemometer angle of attack errors under turbulent conditions and comparison with Campbell CSAT3. 30th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology/First Conference on Atmospheric Biogeosciences, Omni Parker House, Boston, MA, May 29 – June 1, 2012.
Nakai, T., Kim, Y., Busey, R.C., Suzuki, R. Micrometeorological observations over a permafrost black spruce forest
in Interior Alaska. International Symposium in Agricultural Meteorology (ISAM) 2012, March 13–17, 2012, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan, p.197, 2012.
Nakai, T., Kim, Y., Busey, R.C., Suzuki, R. Micrometeorological and flux measurements over a permafrost black spruce forest in Interior Alaska. Abstract B21F-0328 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5–9 Dec, 2011.
Nakai, T., Iwata, H., Harazono, Y. Comparison of CO2 fluxes from mixing ratio and mass density with a closed-path gas analyzer. EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria, April 3–8, 2011, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-5124, 2011.
Nakai, T., Iwata, H., Harazono, Y. Preliminary experiments of closed-path eddy covariance systems in Interior Alaska. Abstract B11B-0342 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13–17 Dec, 2010.
Nakai, T., Suzuki, R., Nagai, S., Kim, Y., Busei, R.C., Hinzman, L.D. Characteristics of canopy structure and aerodynamic roughness of a black spruce forest in Interior Alaska. Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research (ISAR-2), December 7–9, 2010, Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall, National Center of Sciences Building, Tokyo, Japan, p.89, 2010.
Nakai, T. Ultrasonic anemometer angle of attack errors under turbulent conditions. 2009 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 14-18, 2009, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B33B-0385, 2009.
Nakai, T., Sumida, A., Kodama, Y., Hara, T. Another definition of forest canopy height. 2008 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 15–19, 2008, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B41A-0366, 2008.
Nakai, T., Sumida, A., Kodama, Y., Ohta, T. Determination of Representative Canopy Height of Forests from Aerodynamic Data. 2007 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 10–14, 2007, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B33E-1672, 2007.
Nakai, T., Kodama, Y. Analysis of high frequency temperature data within and above forest canopies. Proceedings of 3rd International WS on C/H2O/Energy balance and climate over boreal regions with special emphasis on eastern Eurasia. January 29 – February 1, 2007, Nagoya University Higashiyama Campus, Nagoya, Japan, p.31–34, 2007.
Nakai, T., van der Molen, M.K., Gash, J.H.C., Kodama, Y., Ohta, T., Dolman, A.J., Yabuki, H., Kononov, A.V., Maximov, T.C. Effect of correction of sonic anemometer angle of attack errors on eddy fluxes over boreal and cool temperate forests. AsiaFlux Workshop 2006 (International Workshop on Flux Estimation over Diverse Terrestrial Ecosystems in Asia) Proceedings. November 29 – December 1, 2006, Suan Bua Resort and Spa, Chiang Mai, Thailand, p.67, 2006.
Nakai, T., Sumida, A., Daikoku, K., Matsumoto, K., Kodama, Y., Ohta, T., Kononov, A. V., Maximov, T. C., Yabuki, H. Determination of the canopy height of a forest from meteorological data. Third International Conference THE ROLE OF PERMAFROST ECOSYSTEMS IN GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE. August 28–31, 2006, Yakutsk, Russia, 2006.
Nakai, T., van der Molen, M.K., Gash, J.H.C., Kuwada, T., Kodama, Y., Ohta, T., Maximov, T.C. Characteristics of angle of attack dependent errors in different forest sites. Proc. of International Workshop on H2O and CO2 exchange in Siberia. January 26–28, 2006, Vrije University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, p.23-26, 2006.
Nakai, T., Sumida, A., Kuwada, T., Kato, K., Daikoku, K., Matsumoto, K., Ohta, T., Kodama, Y., Maximov, T.C. How can the aerodynamic roughness be parameterized in terms of forest structures? Proc. of International Workshop on H2O and CO2 exchange in Siberia. January 26-28, 2006, Vrije University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, p.27–30, 2006.
Nakai, T., van der Molen, M.K., Gash, J.H.C., Kuwada, T., Kodama, Y. Correction of sonic anemometer angle of attack errors and its impact on the eddy flux measurements. Proc. of International Workshop on H2O and CO2 exchange in Siberia. January 26–28, 2006, Vrije University Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, p.31-32, 2006.
Nakai, T., van der Molen, M.K., Gash, J.H.C., Kodama, Y. Correction of sonic anemometer angle of attack errors and its impact on the eddy flux measurements. Proceedings of the 1st iLEAPS Science Conference, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 21–26 January 2006, Report Series in Aerosol Science, 79, 277-278, 2006.
Nakai, T., van der Molen, M.K., Gash, J.H.C., Kodama, Y. An improved method to correct the sonic anemometer angle of attack errors. Proceedings of 2nd Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia. December 14–16, 2005, Sapporo, Japan, p.23–24, 2005.
Nakai, T., Sumida, A., Kuwada, T., Kato, K., Daikoku, K., Matsumoto, K., Ohta, T., Kodama, Y., Maximov, T.C. Parameterization of aerodynamic roughness over the forest. Proceedings of 2nd Symposium on Water Cycle in Northern Eurasia. December 14–16, 2005, Sapporo, Japan, p.47–48, 2005.
Nakai, T., Kuwada, T., Kato, K., Daikoku, K., Kodama, Y. Ohta, T. and Maximov, T.C. Roughness parameters and forest structure factors. Proc. of the International Semi-Open Workshop on C/H2O/Energy Balance and Climate over Boreal Regions with Special Emphasis on Eastern Eurasia. 25–27 October 2004, Yakutsk, Russia, p.75–78, 2005.
Nakai, T., Kuwada, T., Kodama, Y.,Ohta, T., Maximov, T.C. Characteristics of roughness parameters in boreal, cool-temperate and warm-temperate forests. Proc. CD-ROM of The 6th International Study Conference on GEWEX in Asia and GAME, December 3–5, 2004, Kyoto, Japan. GAME CD-ROM Publication No. 11, T1TN09Aug04162157, 2004.
Nakai, T., Kuwada, T., Kodama, Y., Ohta, T. and Maximov, T.C. Comparison of aerodynamic characteristics among boreal, cool-temperate and warm-temperate forests. International Symposium on Food Production and Environmental Conservation in the Face of Global Environmental Deterioration. September 7–11, 2004, Fukuoka International Congress Center, Fukuoka, Japan, Abstracts p.82–83, 2004.